001 I/O expansion via ADAT interface & issues » Egypt » Forum about travel in Ukraine
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001 I/O expansion via ADAT interface & issues





Messages: 35
Registration: 22.02.2006

Suppose someone like myslef wants to expand a 001 with 8 more inputs and outputs. I know that the Alesis AI-3 is capable of allowing one to do this. Would I have to record my entire session at 48 kHz? Is it possible to use the ADAT lightpipe at 44.1 kHz? Thanks, lacrimal

Message # 1 07.07.20 - 02:21:59
RE: 001 I/O expansion via ADAT interface & issues



Messages: 410
Registration: 18.08.2009

i'm pretty sure the ai-3 is selectable plus it does 24 bit, all the new adats are selectable (they just default to 48k). you must be stuck with blackface mentality. anyway, why not check out the specs at alesis' website..... [This message has been edited by slinky (edited April 30, 2000).]

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Message # 2 07.07.20 - 02:33:39
RE: 001 I/O expansion via ADAT interface & issues



Messages: 8
Registration: 12.09.2011

The AI-3 can sync to external clock while using it's analog A/D and D/A. This is very cool, because the Digi001 can be the master clock, or some other device that must be the master (Apogee Rosetta A/D, for example). So the AI-3 just folows whatever sample rate you send to it. Jeff D.

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Message # 3 07.07.20 - 02:42:30
RE: 001 I/O expansion via ADAT interface & issues



Messages: 53
Registration: 27.01.2010

Thanks everyone for answering me question. Sorry it too me so long to get back. The AI-3 looks like an incredible deal. I am relieved that I will be able to record @ 44.1K via the AI_3 and the lightpipe on the 001. best, lacrimal

Message # 4 07.07.20 - 02:51:34
RE: 001 I/O expansion via ADAT interface & issues
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