Hi, I am have a couple of problems with scenchap, I have a mpv file which is PAL, export from Scenarist drag into Scenchap then immediatley press create new script it thinks I have a pal and NTSC video in the same scp (although in the main screnn it says PAL) so I get the error "cannot add times with different FPS". If there is no work around for this can someone tell me how to import the chapters back into Scenarist or via IFOedit (the old way before scenchap was around)so i can progress past the point in which I am stuck. Thanks in advance //Bodman
1. Try using a .d2f file. Drop it onto the D2F tab, and then use Copy From D2F (or Copy From D2F+IFO if you have a .ifo too). This should give you the most accurate chapter points anyway, so it's the recommended method. 2. Alternatively, if you don't have a .d2f, drop your .ifo on to the IFO tab. Then use Copy From IFO. Then add /25 after the times in the track page. In other words, if you have: 00:12:34;06 change it to 00:12:34;06/25 I don't recommend copying times from ChapterXtractor and pasting them in. 3. If neither option works, then wait for me to fix Scenchap. (Send me a PM with your email.) 4. As a last resort you can enter the scene points manually in Scenarist. Look at the IFO tab in Scenchap, and then for each one which has a chapter number that isn't zero, create a scene at that point.
Daxab, I'm having continuous problems with the .scp and .ifo method (i don't use the .d2f stuff because it's not supported in the CLI version of DVD2AVI). The last chapter imported in each pgc using scenchap seems to continuously be *after* the length of the movie by just a tiny bit. Scenarist complains when importing the script with errors, which is it's way of saying the last chapter is too close to the end of the movie (in reality i think it's after the end). Could you troubleshoot this and have scenchap create the last chapter correctly? The workaround right now is to manually adjust the last chapter of each pgc. If you don't, many times scenarist will hang forever when you go to compile. It never actually starts compiling, it just says its starting and then hangs until you kill the program. It's really weird. Before, scenarist would 'add' a chapter by itself which was the last frame of the movie. This makes sense, because if you look at most ifos, the last chapter of each pgc is usually the end frame. Now, after importing .scp files, scenarist doesnt create that last chapter. Go figure, eh? Oh, by the way, I use your program religiously, and even though i have to manually adjust the last chapter, it's still the best tool for this use ever! Eyes`Only
@Eyes`Only Yup I found the same thing...and get the last chapter error in Scenarist. I have been taking 5 seconds off the last chapter when I import it into Scenchap and that seems to work. //Bodman
Bodman, Whew! I'm glad someone else is seeing this, because I was almost convinced something was messed up on my end! 5 seconds huh? I've been doing anywhere from 15 seconds to a minute, but I'm going to try 5 seconds now since you've been successful with it. Thanks!
Great! Thanks for your prompt reply, daxab. Interestingly enough, if you don't import from an .scp, and create a scenario from scratch, Scenarist will add an extra chapter automatically to each pgc. I wonder if there's a correlation of an exact ratio to determine the amount of time the last timecode is off?
Using scenchap 1.26, i get sporadic results. Sometimes the movie chapters import perfectly and i have no problems. Other times, the same end chapter problem rears its ugly head. For instance, using the two attached files, i got: Info Multiplexing Info Multiplexing VOB Main Stream Error The number(0.0) of frame in a VOBU is less than 11.99 (around 497:08:03:08). Warning Exiting is canceled because "ExitVobuSizeError" is 0 in the file Scenarist.ini. Error Multiplex is terminated at 01:44:10:11 in the middle of scene "PGC1.M2V.d2v.mpv-t-scn_20", but other cells are left. Please check video data file or track <PGC1.M2V.d2v.mpv-t>. Error dvd_mux : DoMux Multiplexing Error Error Terminated Multiplexing (vts01-chap.scn-PGC1.M2V.d2v.mpv-t_t.vob). Error Some CELLs which do not multiplexed are left. Error Multiplex is failed. Info Multiplexing failed, Track<PGC1.M2V.d2v.mpv-t> Error MuxFromDB:MuxVTS failed Error Multiplex failed Error DVD files could not be created Normally, the output just freezes and I know that it's not going to work. However this time it was late at night so i just left it hanging there and went to bed, and when I woke up this is what I saw. Help!