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Question about the Pianoroll





Messages: 42
Registration: 06.01.2005

No need, ... Big pic: ... and you can change the programmed MIDI notes by a) selecting them, right-click, select Note properties and entering a differnet vleocity (or, say, -10 or * 0.9 etc) b) make sure the Velocity lane is displayed in the MIDI Editor, drag the verticla bars up or down. HTH

Message # 1 27.12.23 - 23:16:16
RE: Question about the Pianoroll

A.I. Web


Messages: 53
Registration: 18.06.2010

Hey Driller, as you can see in DarkStars pic, it depends, where you click in the piano-roll. You can also avoid, having higher velocity on programmed notes by just selecting one recorded note prior to programming. All notes you program manually will have the velocity of the previously selected note. If it is possible (i.e. your programmed and played notes are not mingled) you can also marquee your programmed notes and by pulling up or down the velocity handle of one selected note, the others will be changed as well. Not so, if you change the velocity in the velocity lane. -Data

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Message # 2 27.12.23 - 23:24:28
RE: Question about the Pianoroll



Messages: 34
Registration: 21.06.2007

Doh! I keep forgetting about the Velocity handle on MIDI notes (mainly because I've turned it off - it looks ugly to me and I kept dragigng it down when selecting/dragging notes).

Message # 3 27.12.23 - 23:29:10
RE: Question about the Pianoroll
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