2.99 on OS X is twice as big » France and Monaco » Forum about travel in Ukraine
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2.99 on OS X is twice as big





Messages: 4
Registration: 07.05.2009

I just noticed on most my recent download of 2.99 for Mac that the download is about 8Mb. While it is still astonishingly small compared to any other DAW, it is more than twice the size of the PC version. Due to the simultaneous release of updates for both platforms, I can only guess that there is a single code-base which is then compiled for various platforms. What then accounts for this large size difference? Are there libraries not available on Mac that have to be added in? Should we expect to see performance lagging behind similarly spec'd PCs because of less efficient code? Reaper and all of the recent Alphas have worked wonderfully on OSX for me, so I won't worry about it too much, but I am curious. Thanks.

Было бы смешно,если б не было так грустно!
Message # 1 18.08.20 - 12:59:20
RE: 2.99 on OS X is twice as big



Messages: 170
Registration: 07.09.2010

Universal binary, primarily ;)

Message # 2 18.08.20 - 13:05:00
RE: 2.99 on OS X is twice as big



Messages: 8
Registration: 03.08.2010

Which, if you're not into Mac development, means that there is twice as much code there...for both Intel AND PPC Macs. Scott

Message # 3 18.08.20 - 13:15:34
RE: 2.99 on OS X is twice as big



Messages: 5
Registration: 24.10.2008

there are utilities out there that can strip out the version you're not using if you want to save the 4MB...

Message # 4 18.08.20 - 13:22:20
RE: 2.99 on OS X is twice as big
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