I'm using DVD Decrypter 3.0 and when I open the program it gives me the error: UDF Parsing Failed! Device:[1:1:0] Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-104 Reason: Function 'UDFFindPartition' Returned 0 Has anyone else encountered this problem? I've searched the forums but haven't found anything on it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, p0rnstar
Have you got a blank disc in the drive or something? If that fails, its because it couldnt find a partition on the disc. Yes, this is a bad thing, but if you've inserted a blank cd then its understandable. If its not a blank, what dvd is it? Ive yet to hear of an instance where the udf parsing failed.
Why havent you mentioned it then! Ive got over 200 dvds and its never failed, not once. Shrek works fine and Private Ryan works fine. What region are your discs?
Hey Lighting, I'm using region 1. I didn't mentioned it because I'm pretty new and didn't know if I was doing things properly. After more testing, I keep getting it. Got it on Dragon Tales - Yes, we can, The Others and Domestic Disturbance.
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So the discs you mentioned never work? Has anyone else got these titles and is has having the same problem? Do you have these titles and have no problem? I really need to know! I cant afford to keep buying supposedly problematic discs to find that they work just fine :)
Don't get me wrong lighting, I love your program. The problem started when I upgraded to the latest version. I am using W2K, so how do I disable UDF parsing?