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Some Advice With Cutting





Messages: 8
Registration: 08.01.2009

I am encoding the evangelion series, but I had trouble with the 2nd disk. I encoded all the movie files and audio files into a 1:43 movie. When I muxed it with Ogg Mux i had a 1400MB file. But I had to split with Tobias OggCut, which gave me a really bad cut because it won't cut by keyfram. I know it's being worked on. And now that I don't have that disk I can't do anything about it, but i do have disk 3 and I have a question. So should I cut each part seperatly, AVI, Ogg Audio, Subtitles, and then mux them with OggMux. Would that work, is that what you would do or is there something else I can do? Also, How would I do the subtitles? The timecodes would not match since it would have start at 0:00:00:000 again in the 2nd and 3rd episode right? Thanks in advance.

Minimal Tech
Message # 1 16.07.21 - 14:37:49
RE: Some Advice With Cutting



Messages: 287
Registration: 24.10.2009

The oggcut version can only cut in keyframes (do you have this version?). With more than three subtitles the oggcut has problems (i don't know why). If your problem is the number of subtitles, make a ogm with only 3 subtitles, cut it with oggcut and then add the others subtitles with graphedit. You can do it separetly: First of all cut the avi file with virtual dub or Nandub (so the cut is in a keyframe). Then get the time of the first half and cut the the ogg vorbis file at this time (you can do this with oggcut but is difficult to be time-accurate. Other way is to decode it to wav (or other format), cut it with beSplit and reencode it again. If someone know a program to cut ogg in an accurate way, please let us know). With the subtitles, use the "Subtitle Studio" (download it from ), it can cut subtitles giving it a movie (it cut the subtitle at the end of the movie). You have to syncro the second half of the subtitle adding an amount of seconds (x): x=(time of the first subtitle that will be in the sencond half of the movie) - (time of the first half of the movie). Then just mux every part with oggmux. Hope it helps (and sorry for my English :))

Message # 2 16.07.21 - 14:43:30
RE: Some Advice With Cutting



Messages: 30
Registration: 17.09.2006

I do have Tobais Ogg Cut The Problem I guess was that it was cutting by key frame. But the next keyframe was like 5 seconds later then where i had placed the cursor. Whoops sorry for miss understanding. I don't have 3 subs, just 3 audio languages. I'm having a problem with cutting the original AVI. It's giving me some really werird filesizes. It's Divx5.02 so I will ask Acalia if there is a bug or somthing. Then I will try what your method and tell you what happens. And I just remembered that I can cut the subs with subrip. Thanks. Oh and I speak spanish.

.. my chemical romance ..
Message # 3 16.07.21 - 14:52:57
RE: Some Advice With Cutting



Messages: 58
Registration: 29 paź 2008, 13:08

@ hiro2k you do not need to decode to wav. just cut your ogg-vorbis audio file with vcut. it is a command line tool but absolutely an exemplary commandline would be "c:\programme\vcut\vcut" "z:\rip\inputfile.ogg" "z:\rip\outputfile-01.ogg" "z:\rip\outputfile-02.ogg" 164169600 this cuts 'inputfile.ogg' at 3420.200 seconds. why? the number at the end is the cutpoint. the only tricky thing here is that the cut point is counted in samples instead of seconds or milliseconds. hence the number is determined by the time code where you want to cut and the sample frequency. so, if you want to cut a file samples at 48000hz at 10sec, you will have to enter a cutpoint of 480000 ( = 10<sec> x 48000<hz> ). => my method 1. run oggmux with a split value of 700mb. i do that inorder to determine the best cutpoint (regarding filesize). 2. load the first ogm into media player look for the best cut point (scene change with silence which is closest to the point where oggmux has made its cut 3. cut the avi at that point and determine the exact time code of the cutpoint; both with vdub 4. cut the vorbis files with vcut 5. cut the subtitles with subtitle studio or subcutter 6. mux the stuff another possibility would be, continue after 2. with muxing the whole without subtitles into one file, cut it with oggcutter and split the subtitles after that, leaving the srt file outside. works perfect for me. regarding oggcutter: imo you cannot find the right cutpoint by dragging the slider. you have to press the play button and let the movie play close to the point where you want to cut, and then, just before it reaches this point you have to press the marker. oggcutter will then automatically find the next key frame. does this help a little?

Katowice Katowice GKS !!!!
Message # 4 16.07.21 - 14:59:56
RE: Some Advice With Cutting



Messages: 109
Registration: 12.09.2009

Same problem ogm with chapter list 2 audio 2 subs OggCrashes even disabling subtitle ds filter now I will try: 1) oggmux video and 2 audio tracks 2) occut into 2 ogm 3) graphedit -> demux 2 ogm into 2 video and 2 audiotrack 4) split subs and chapter list 5) remux results files hmm ogg cut crashes in module ?????? I've disabled this filter... now seams to work

Message # 5 16.07.21 - 15:06:25
RE: Some Advice With Cutting
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