I am encoding the evangelion series, but I had trouble with the 2nd disk. I encoded all the movie files and audio files into a 1:43 movie. When I muxed it with Ogg Mux i had a 1400MB file. But I had to split with Tobias OggCut, which gave me a really bad cut because it won't cut by keyfram. I know it's being worked on. And now that I don't have that disk I can't do anything about it, but i do have disk 3 and I have a question. So should I cut each part seperatly, AVI, Ogg Audio, Subtitles, and then mux them with OggMux. Would that work, is that what you would do or is there something else I can do? Also, How would I do the subtitles? The timecodes would not match since it would have start at 0:00:00:000 again in the 2nd and 3rd episode right? Thanks in advance.